New Membership

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Greenock Burns Club (The Mother Club), as its name suggests, is the oldest Burns Club in the world.  All enthusiastic Burnsians or people with a love of Scotland and its history, heritage and culture will find a home here where their interests will be met.

As member, you have access to all in-person and online meetings.  These cover a range of relevant topics and will increase your knowledge as well as being entertaining.  

You can visit the Club’s Exhibition Room and view our historic archives located in the Greenock Custom House. Some of these archives are also available to view via our Website and, through a partnership with The University of Glasgow and a grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, our online content will continue to grow. 

Finally, you are entitled to play an active role in the management of the club by voting at general meetings of the Club and you can be nominated to become a trustee.


Our full membership is for adults over 25 and gives access to all club activities and information together with all voting rights. Please click on the button to open our application form and payment portal.